Re-regisrtraion procedure

Dear users of the HybriLIT cluster! We would like to inform you that re-registration procedure, at the HybriLIT should be completed by February 1, 2021. The procedure is simple: users (or leaders of the team) should fill the reporting form, check their contact and organization details, and also submit an…

Joint workshop of LIT and LRB “Information system for the tasks of radiation biology”

Information system for the tasks of radiation biology (joint project of LIT and LRB) 18 June 2020 at 3:00 PM (online format)   The workshop is dedicated to a joint project of LIT and LRB, which is focused on the creation of an information system for analyzing behavioral and pathomorphological…

CEO NVIDIA Jensen Huang’s GTC 2020 keynote on the YouTube May 14

The presentation of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang at the GTC 2020 will be available on the company’s YouTube channel on May 14 at 16:00 Moscow time. Jensen will present the latest achievements of the company in the field of AI, high-performance computing, data processing, autonomous machines, healthcare and graphics. You…

Re-regisrtraion procedure

Dear users of the HybriLIT cluster! We would like to inform you that re-registration procedure, at the HybriLIT should be completed by February 1, 2020. The procedure is simple: users (or leaders of the team) should fill the reporting form, check their contact and organization details, and also submit an…

Modernized supercomputer “Govorun” became three times more powerful

On 14 November, presentation and demonstration of the modernized supercomputer “Govorun” took place in the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR. LIT staff members and employees of other JINR laboratories, Russian computing centres, specialists of the “Intel” and “RSC Technologies” companies gathered in the LIT computer room. LIT Director V. V. Korenkov answered the questions of Moscow and Dubna mass…

Seminar “An Interval-Valued Image Based Approach for Edge Detection” September 18 at 11.00, room 310

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 11.00, room. 310  An Interval-Valued Image Based Approach for Edge Detection   Ahmed Elaraby (South Valley University, Egypt)   Detecting edges are an important pre-processing step in image analysis. Best results of image analysis extremely depend on edge detection. Edge detectors are intended to detect…

Seminar “Automation of (Big) data processing at LIT computing infrastructure for current and future JINR’s experiments” September 17, 15:00, r.310

Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 15:00, r.310 Automation of (Big) data processing at LIT computing infrastructure for current and future JINR’s experiments   A. Petrosyan, D. Oleinik   Most of the modern science experiments have critical depends on the speed of processing of collected data. Very often, collected data can be characterized…

Seminar “Using distributed heterogeneous computing resources with DIRAC interware for JINR use-cases” September 17, 15:00, r.310

Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 15:00, r.310 Using distributed heterogeneous computing resources with DIRAC interware for JINR use-cases Igor Pelevanyuk   Data and computing-intensive applications in JINR are becoming more and more common: BM@N, MPD, SPD, neutrino experiments and others. Questions appear: how to process data, where to store it, how to…

Seminar “Lattice QCD multiGPU simulation on HybriLIT cluster”

Thursday 29 August 2019, 15.00, Room 310   Nikita Astrakhantsev Lattice QCD multiGPU simulation on HybriLIT cluster   Abstract: Lattice QCD is a very computationally demanding method that allows to reliably study QCD in the strong coupling regime. Lattice QCD poses several numerical challenges such as GPU memory limitation and inversion of large and ill-conditioned matrices. In…